Designing an immersive digital display suite for CBRE real estate

Designing an immersive digital display suite for CBRE real estate

Product Design

The immersive display suite allowed CBRE Residential to showcase off-the-plan properties much faster and cheaper. This innovation removed the need for physical display suites, significantly reducing time and cost while enhancing the sales experience through immersive technology.

CBRE Residential is one of Australia’s largest real estate companies, specialising in high-end off-the-plan properties.


Customers need to visualise their future homes before they’re built. Traditionally, developers constructed physical display suites on-site, which were later demolished before construction, making this process both time-consuming and expensive.

I was responsible for all UX and visual design for the digital solution. This involved coordinating with multiple partners and ensuring a seamless, immersive experience across various devices.


I developed user flows that detailed how the experience would work across all devices, ensuring smooth coordination of video, images, and 3D animations between the table, TV, and tablet. The visual design was adaptable for various projects, using a minimal aesthetic with textured backgrounds to ground the interface into the experience.

I designed an app for sales agents to set up the room before each customer experience. This app allowed the agents to tailor the environment and sales journey to each client’s needs. Agents could pull up property details and floor plans and present them seamlessly to customers. This functionality not only improved the efficiency of the sales process but also enhanced the overall customer experience by making it more interactive and responsive to individual preferences.